Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sorry about the tease

I had really intended on returning sooner. And that tease was supposed to be just a little tease.


I was making dishes for a Pie themed Christmas party. The entrees were pizzas and then whatever dessert pie you wanted to make. So, I was making my stuffed pizza pie and attempting a chocolate pecan pie for the dessert pie*. As things in life are prone to doing, I got running late, and by the time the pizza was done cooking was when I was supposed to be at the party. Luckily it wasn't too far from the house, so it wasn't a big deal. What was a big deal was me forgetting to document the construction of the pizza AND the finished product. I will say this about it, while not pretty in the least, it was VERY tasty. So, to rectify this situation, I've just gotten done preparing another one, this time for work. I DID happen to get some pictures of the construction of it (excepting the mixing of the dough, but come on, it's dough) and the final product (it's still cooking). So, you will get the pizza post later today, or sometime tomorrow (hopefully).

As for the chocolate pecan pie, I used a Paul Deen recipe, but I wasn't happy with how the chocolate didn't melt and fuse with the rest of the pie goop, so next time (yep, there'll be another of those to make up also) I'll be doing it a hair differently. I'm not a pecan pie fan, so it's not high on my list, but as I still have plenty of ingredients left over (save the pie shell), it'll be happening sometime soonish.

*Reason for making a pie I'm not going to eat...

Edwards (I think it was them) used to make a CBPP (Chocolate Butter Pecan Pie) that most of the people that were going to be at this party LOVED. Then they stopped making it. This was years ago, and they loved it so much, they STILL check the pie isles (in vain) when they go to the store hoping to find the elusive beast. So, as it was a Christmas party, I wanted to give a gift. I was told a couple of people tried it and said it was pretty good, but I want to do better by them and it.

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